Conscious Humans eBook
In the pages of Conscious Humans, simplicity acts as a guide. A genuine spiritual seeker is captivated by the "honey" and not the journey the bees undergo to collect it. Similarly, the author refrains from delving into personal storytelling of life's trials and turbulence. Instead, the book centers on the insights gained from the author's spiritual journey.
Conscious Humans aims to dispel the confusion and distortion surrounding spirituality, empowering readers to take control. The author provides a deeply insightful understanding of spirituality, addressing common questions encountered on the spiritual path.
This book seeks to make spirituality accessible through a straightforward narrative that focuses on insight along with lots of modern-day examples to simplify and clarify many spiritual concepts. It's a thought-provoking guide that challenges preconceptions, and navigates the readers from confusion to clarity, one page at a time.
This wisdom is organized into 14 chapters, simplifying core concepts that have caused confusion for many spiritual seekers.
#1 Karma- Understanding Life’s Cosmic Law
#2 Neeyati, The Play of Destiny
#3 Is There an After-Life
#4 Adding Positive Karma Points in Life
#5 Atheists, Believers, and Seekers
#6 Being Spiritual and The Path
#7 Burning Karma with Meditation
#8 Layers of Ego
#9 Is This a Dream World?
#10 Why Religion?
#11 Our Relationship with the Nature
#12 Trust, Truth, and Belief World
#13 Women - Reaching Her Highest Spiritual Truth
#14 Saturn's Energies
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